fifty-five per cent of the respondents said that praise and attention from t




  1. What percentage of the respondents mentioned the importance of praise and attention?

   a) 25%

   b) 45%

   c) 55%

   d) 65%

  Answer: c) 55%

  Explanation: According to the survey, 55% of the respondents acknowledged the significance of praise and attention.




  2. _______ of the respondents stated that praise and attention are crucial for their motivation.

  Answer: Fifty-five per cent

  Explanation: The question is asking for the exact percentage mentioned by the respondents, which is fifty-five per cent.




  3. True or False: Praise and attention have no impact on individuals motivation.

  Answer: False

  Explanation: The survey results indicate that praise and attention do play a role in motivating individuals, as mentioned by the respondents.




  4. Discuss the significance of praise and attention in enhancing motivation.

  Answer: Praise and attention are essential factors in boosting motivation. When individuals receive recognition for their efforts, it validates their work and encourages them to perform better. Positive feedback and attention from others provide a sense of accomplishment and drive individuals to strive for excellence. Moreover, praise and attention can create a positive and supportive environment, fostering self-confidence and enthusiasm. This, in turn, leads to increased productivity and overall satisfaction in both personal and professional settings. Therefore, it is evident that praise and attention have a substantial impact on enhancing motivation.

  In conclusion, the survey findings highlight the importance of praise and attention in motivating individuals. By acknowledging their efforts and providing positive feedback, individuals are more likely to be motivated to achieve their goals.



根据下表回答 1~5 题。 2000年至2004年全国大中型工业企业部分科技指标情况表 第 1 题 20根据下表回答 1~5 题。 2000年至2004年全国大中型工业企业部分科技指标情况表 第 1 题 20
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