Archaeology has long been an accepted tool for studying prehistoric cultures. Relatively r

  题目:Archaeology has long been an accepted tool for studying prehistoric cultures. Relatively r


  ecently the same techniques have been systematically applied to studies of the more immediate past. This has been called "historical archaeology," a term that is used in the United States to refer to any archaeological investigation into North American sites that postdate the arrival of Europeans.Back in the 1930s and 1940s, when building restoration was popular, historical archaeology was primarily a tool of architectural reconstruction. The role of archaeologists was to find the foundations of historic buildings and then take a back seat to architects.The mania for reconstruction had largely subsided by the 1950s and 1960s. Most people entering historical archaeology during this period came out of university anthropology departments, where they had studied prehistoric cultures. They were, by training, social scientists, not historians, and their work tended to reflect this bias. The questions they framed and the techniquesThey used were designed to help them understand, as scientists, how people behaved. But because they were treading on historical ground for which there was often extensive written documentation, and because their own knowledge of these periods was usually limited, their contributions to American history remained circumscribed. Their reports, highly technical and sometimes poorly written, went unread.More recently, professional archaeologists have taken over. These researchers have sought to demonstrate that their work can be a valuable tool not only of science but also of history, providing fresh insights into the daily lives of ordinary people whose existences might not otherwise be so well documented. This newer emphasis on archaeology as social history has shown great promise, and indeed work done in this area has lead to a reinterpretation of the United States past.In Kingston, New York, for example, evidence has been uncovered that indicates that English goods were being smuggled into that city at a time when the Dutch supposedly controlled trading in the area. And in Sacramento an excavation at the site of a fashionable nineteenth-century hotel revealed that garbage had been stashed in the buildings basement despite sanitation laws to the contrary.What does the passage mainly discuss?A.Why historical archaeology was first developed.B.How the methods and purpose of historical archaeology have changed.C.The contributions architects make to historical archaeology.D.The attitude of professional archaeologists toward historical archaeology.




  以上就是我们为您分享的一道[主观题]:Archaeology has long been an accepted tool for studying prehistoric cultures. Relatively r,如果您在复习过程中遇到任何难题,只需关注快跑搜题公众号,发送您的问题,我们就会立即为您提供详尽的答案。



  更多“Archaeology has long been an accepted tool for studying prehistoric cultures. Relatively r”相关的问题第1题

  Archaeological. Archaeological study covers an extremely long span of time and a great varArchaeological.Archaeological study covers an extremely long span of time and a great variety of subjects. The earliest subjects of archaeolgical study date from the origins of humanity. These include fossil remains believed to be of human ancestors who lived 3.5 million to 4.5 million years ago. The earliest archaeological sites include those in Ethiopia, Tanzania, Kenye; and elsewhere in East Africa. These sites contain evidence of the first appearance of bipedal(upright-walking), apelike early humans.(46). Some sites also contain evidence of the earliest use of simple tools. Asia about 1.8 million years ago, then into Europe about 900,000 years ago.The first physically modern humans, Homo sapiens, appeared in tropical Africa between 200,000and 150,000 years ago-dates determined by molecular biologists and archaeologists working together. Dozens of archaeological sites through tout Age (100,000 to 15,000 years ago).(47).Archaeologists have documented that the development of agriculture took place about 10,000 years ago. Early domesticationis evident in such places as the ancient settlement in Jordan and in Mexico. Archaeology plays a major role in the study of early civilizations, such as those of the Sumerians of Mesopotamia, who built the city of Ur, and the ancient Egyptians, who are famous for the pyramids near the city of Gina and the royal sepulchers(tombs)of the Valley of the Kings at Thebes.(48).Archaeological research spans the entire development of phenomena that are nuique to humans. For instance, archaeology tells the story of when people learned to bury their dead and developed beliefs in an afterlife. Sites containig signs of the first simple but purposeful hurials in graves date to as early as 40,000 years ago in Europe and Southwest Asia. By the time people lived in civilizations, burials and funeral ceremonies had become extremely important and elaborate rituals.(49). Few burials rival their lavish sepulchres. Being able to trace the development of such rituals over thousands of years has added to our understanding of the development of human intellect and spirit.Archaeology also examines more recent historical periods. Some archaeologists work with historians to study American colonial life, for example. They have learned such diverse information as how the earliest colonial settlers in Jamestown, Virginia, traded glass beads for food with native Algonquian peoples; how the lives of slaves on plantations reflected their roots in Africa; and how the first major cities in the United States developed.(50). This garbage is the modern equivalent of the remains found in the archaeological record. In the future, archaeologists will continue to move into new realms of study.[A] For example, the Mocha lords of Sip an in coastal Peru were buried in about ad 400 in fine cotton dress and with exquisite ornaments of bead, gold, and silver.[B] By 40,000 yeas ago people could be found hunting and gathering food across most of the regions of Africa.[C] Archaeological studies have also provided much information about the people who first arrived in the Americas over 12,000 years ago.[D] They were simple plants that had not devloped sepa-appeared in the Silurian period. They were simple plants that had not developed separate stems and leaves.[E] One site in Tanzania even reveals footprints of humans from 3.6 million years ago.[F] One research project involves the study of garbage in present-day cities across the United States.[G] Other sites that represent great human achievement are as varied as the cliff dwellings of the ancient Anasazi(a group of early Native Americans of North America)at Mesa Verde, Colorado; the Inca city of Machu Picchu high in the Andes Mountains of Peru; and the mysterious查看答案请关注【快跑搜题】微信公众号,发送题目即可获取第2题

  猴子有长长的尾巴()A.The monkey has a long nose

  B.The monkey has a long tail

  C.The monkey has a big nose


  你想表达猴子有一条长尾巴,你应该说()A.It has a long nose

  B.It has a long tail

  C.It has a short tail


  翻译题:它有一个长鼻子()A.It has a long nose

  B.It has a fat nose

  C.It has long legs


  单项选择。It has()long




  China is a country a long history.A.of





  你想表达“猴子有一条长尾巴”,你应说:__()A.The monkey has a long tail

  B.The monkey has long tails


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  如果要表达:“萨拉有一头长发。”可以这样说()A.Sarah has long hair

  B.Sarah has short hair

  C.She has long hair


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