选词填空:Let’s all stop judging people who talk to themselves. New research says that

  题目:选词填空:Let’s all stop judging people who talk to themselves. New research says that


  those who can’t seem to keep their inner monologues (独白) in are actually more likely to stay on task, remain 26 better and show improved perception capabilities. Not bad, really, for some extra muttering.According to a series of experiments published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology by professors Gary Lupyan and Daniel Swignley, the act of using verbal clues to 27 mental pictures helps people function quicker.In one experiment, they showed pictures of various objects to twenty 28 and asked them to find just one of those, a banana. Half were 29 to repeat out loud what they were looking for and the other half kept their lips 30 . Those who talked to themselves found the banana slightly faster than those who didn’t, the researchers say. In other experiments, Lupyan and Swignley found that 31 the name of a common product when on the hunt for it helped quicken someone’s pace, but talking about uncommon items showed no advantage and slowed you down.Common research has long held that talking themselves through a task helps children learn, although doing so when you’ve 32 matured is not a great sign of 33 . The two professors hope to refute that idea, 34 that just as when kids walk themselves through a process, adults can benefit from using language not just to communicate, but also to help “augment thinking”.Of course, you are still encouraged to keep the talking at library tones and, whatever you do, keep the information you share simple, like a grocery list. At any 35 , there’s still such a thing as too much information.




  以上就是我们为您分享的一道[主观题]:选词填空:Let’s all stop judging people who talk to themselves. New research says that,如果您在复习过程中遇到任何难题,只需关注快跑搜题公众号,发送您的问题,我们就会立即为您提供详尽的答案。



  更多“选词填空:Let’s all stop judging people who talk to themselves. New research says that”相关的问题第1题

  选词填空:Let’s all stop judging people who talk to themselves. New research says thatthose who can’t seem to keep their inner monologues (独白) in are actually more likely to stay on task, remain 26 better and show improved perception capabilities. Not bad, really, for some extra muttering.According to a series of experiments published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology by professors Gary Lupyan and Daniel Swignley, the act of using verbal clues to 27 mental pictures helps people function quicker.In one experiment, they showed pictures of various objects to twenty 28 and asked them to find just one of those, a banana. Half were 29 to repeat out loud what they were looking for and the other half kept their lips 30 . Those who talked to themselves found the banana slightly faster than those who didn’t, the researchers say. In other experiments, Lupyan and Swignley found that 31 the name of a common product when on the hunt for it helped quicken someone’s pace, but talking about uncommon items showed no advantage and slowed you down.Common research has long held that talking themselves through a task helps children learn, although doing so when you’ve 32 matured is not a great sign of 33 . The two professors hope to refute that idea, 34 that just as when kids walk themselves through a process, adults can benefit from using language not just to communicate, but also to help “augment thinking”.Of course, you are still encouraged to keep the talking at library tones and, whatever you do, keep the information you share simple, like a grocery list. At any 35 , there’s still such a thing as too much information.查看答案请关注【快跑搜题】微信公众号,发送题目即可获取第2题

   General Manager: I think that is all for the coffee break. Stop the jokes and let us caGeneral Manager: I think that is all for the coffee break. Stop the jokes and let us carry on with our discussion.Johnny: Okay. __________General Manager: Next topic is about…A. My pleasure.B. I’m glad to hear that.C. Let’s get to the point.D. Cheers!查看答案请关注【快跑搜题】微信公众号,发送题目即可获取第3题

  6. 选词填空(从meal, enjoy中选择合适的词填空) 对话情景为:A cabin attendant is offering meal service to a vegetarian. CA: Excuse me, Sir. Are you John Brown? PAX: Yes. Whats the matter? CA: You ordered vegetarian 1 , didnt you? PAX: Yes. CA: Here it is. I hope you 2 it. PAX: Thanks a lot. CA: Not at all, Sir. Do you need anything else? PAX: Could you give me another cup of water, please? CA: Certainly. Here you are. 请选择第二个空的正确答案查看答案请关注【快跑搜题】微信公众号,发送题目即可获取第4题

  6. 选词填空(从meal, enjoy中选择合适的词填空) 对话情景为:A cabin attendant is offering meal service to a vegetarian. CA: Excuse me, Sir. Are you John Brown? PAX: Yes. Whats the matter? CA: You ordered vegetarian 1 , didnt you? PAX: Yes. CA: Here it is. I hope you 2 it. PAX: Thanks a lot. CA: Not at all, Sir. Do you need anything else? PAX: Could you give me another cup of water, please? CA: Certainly. Here you are. 请选择第一个空的正确答案查看答案请关注【快跑搜题】微信公众号,发送题目即可获取第5题

  选词填空: All the rules () ( mention, mentioned ) above must be followed.查看答案请关注【快跑搜题】微信公众号,发送题目即可获取第6题

  选词填空。It’s What’sA: ___________ this B: ___________ a desk.
选词填空。 It’s What’s A: ___________ this B: ___________ a desk.选词填空。It’s What’sA: ___________ this B: ___________ a desk.选词填空。 It’s What’s A: ___________ this B: ___________ a desk.查看答案请关注【快跑搜题】微信公众号,发送题目即可获取第7题

  看见了红灯,你说()A.Let’s stop

  B.Let’s go




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