A challenge in working in customer service is to ensure that you have focused your atten

  题目:A challenge in working in customer service is to ensure that you have focused your atten


  tion on the right key areas, measured by the right Key Performance Indicator (KPI). One of the most important aspects of a customer service KPI is what is often referred to as the Feel Good Factor. Basically the goal is not only to help the customer have a good experience, but to offer an experience that exceeds expectations. Several key points are listed as follows:Know what products/service you are offering from back to front. In other words, be an information expert. It is okay to say I don’t know, but it should always be followed up by but let me find out or possibly but this person will be able to assist you. Whatever the situation may be, make sure that you don’t leave your customer with an unanswered question.Most of the communication that you relay to others is done through body language. If you have negative body language when you communicate with others, it shows that you dont care. Two of the most important aspects of positive body language are smiling and eye contact. Make sure to look your customers in the eye. It shows that we are listening to them and hearing what they are saying. And of course smiling is more inviting than a blank look or frown.Nothing surprises your customers more than an employee going the extra mile to help them. Always look for ways to go above and beyond the expectations of your customers. In doing so, it helps them to know that you care and it will leave them with the Feel Good Factor that you are searching for.1. The goal of customer service is to give customers an experience that meets their expectations.{T; F}2. Leave your customer with an unanswered question is unacceptable.{T; F}3. Both positive body language and negative body language are necessary in customer service.{T; F}4. Eye contact is one of the most important aspects of positive body language.{T; F}5. The underlined going the extra mile to help them in the last paragraph means going a long way to help them.{T; F}




  以上就是我们为您分享的一道[主观题]:A challenge in working in customer service is to ensure that you have focused your atten,如果您在复习过程中遇到任何难题,只需关注快跑搜题公众号,发送您的问题,我们就会立即为您提供详尽的答案。



  更多“A challenge in working in customer service is to ensure that you have focused your atten”相关的问题第1题

  We redoubled our efforts, each man____________like two.A. workedB. been workingC. workiA. worked

  B. been working

  C. working

  D. to be worked







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  What is the educational challenge before Yale University?查看答案请关注【快跑搜题】微信公众号,发送题目即可获取第6题

  这个任务对她来说是一个挑战。(汉译英)A.This task is a challenging to her.

  B.This task is a challenge for her.

  C.This task is a challenge for she.

  D.This task is a challenge to she.


  It is believed lifelong learning is a crucial response () the challenge of the global knowledge economy.查看答案请关注【快跑搜题】微信公众号,发送题目即可获取第8题

  Which three steps are part of the PPP CHAP 3-way handshake?()A.The caller sends a challenge to the authenticator.B.The authenticator sends a challenge to the caller.C.The caller encrypts the challenge using a secret.D.The caller sends a success message to the authenticator.E.The authenticator encrypts the challenge using a secret.


  challenge means to invite sb. to compete or fight to prove who is better. ()challenge means to invite sb. to compete or fight to prove who is better. ()查看答案请关注【快跑搜题】微信公众号,发送题目即可获取第10题

  challenge()A.n. 挑战

  B.v. 挑战

  C.v. 质疑


  朗文交互英语第二级答案a1Listening Challenge朗文交互英语答案 朗文交互英语第二级答案a1Listening Challenge




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