Your Math instructor would have been happy to give you a make up exarmination, had you gone and expl

  题目:Your Math instructor would have been happy to give you a make up exarmination, had you gone and explained that your parents were ill at the time.(英译中)





  以上就是我们为您分享的一道[主观题]:Your Math instructor would have been happy to give you a make up exarmination, had you gone and explained that your parents were ill at the time.(英译中),如果您在复习过程中遇到任何难题,只需关注快跑搜题公众号,发送您的问题,我们就会立即为您提供详尽的答案。



  更多“Your Math instructor would have been happy to give you a make up exarmination, had you gone and expl…”相关的问题第1题

  emphasis placed 选择Because of the _____ on classroom work, the instructor will report your absences to the adviser.(A) large (B) strong (C) hard (D) high


  Because of the ______ emphasis placed on classroom work, the instructor will report your absences to the adviser()A.large





  Is your course instructor a manager? Discuss in terms of managerial, functions, managerial roles, and sills.查看答案请关注【快跑搜题】微信公众号,发送题目即可获取第4题

  Because of the _____ emphasis placed on classroom work, the instructor will report your absences to the adviser.(A) large (B) strong (C) hard (D) high


  Cardamoms have cultures. Describe your class culture using the seven dimensions of organizational culture. Does the culture constrain your instructor? How?查看答案请关注【快跑搜题】微信公众号,发送题目即可获取第6题

  Distance learning is a program that allows students to take classes online. Online classes offer on-campus classes, with the convenience of working at home, and the flexibility of creating your own schedule. Anna attends her online class in her pajamas. She gets away with it because her classroom is in her home. Anna is a full-time student learning from distance, and full time mother. She likes the online option because of its flexibility. “I don’t have to sit in class with my two little ones in day care. Instead, I can jump online anytime I like during the day,” said Anna who is preparing for a nursing degree. “What I liked most was the fact that I didn’t have to travel to another place, and I could work at my own place,” she said in an e-mail. Online students must be organized. Self-discipline and motivation are also important. Diana is a math instructor who has been teaching online classes for five and a half years. She had students who participated from far way. Many are returning students who have been working. They are focused on their goals, and are comfortable working hard. Taking classes online can have some unexpected benefits. For instance, the need to communicate questions by e-mail compels students to become better written communicators. Also, you don’t have to worry about appearance. Michael, a current online student, said in an e-mail, “I can just roll out of bed and not worry about how messy my hair is.” Anna included not having to fight for parking or paying for gas as added tuition fee. Taking classes online does have some drawbacks. Students complain about the difficulties of communicating online. Instructors complain about the students’ ability to use digital media. Online classes can end up taking more time than on-campus versions. “An online student should expect to spend at least 15 hours a week working on their assignments,” said Diana the math teacher. The extra time is needed because students must clearly demonstrate understanding of the material through email and online quizzes.11.__________is the most important feature of online or distance learning.A. A hard-working and motivated studentB. Studying online from a computer anywhereC. A good course bookD. Flexible timetable12.Distance learning allows Anna __________.A. to study her favorite subjectB. to understand how to be a full-time motherC. to become a nurseD. to work on her study at home while taking care of her children13.Comparing with the traditional classroom learners, online learners have to be__________.A. highly motivatedB. disciplinedC. well-organizedD. All of the above14.In the following statements, which is NOT the advantage of distance learning?A. You can learn from home, wherever your home is.B. You don’t need to care about your appearance when attending the class.C. You can meet and talk to a lot of nice people.D. You can attend the class anytime of the day, totally depending on your timetable.15.According to the text, what is the drawback of distance learning?A. Online classes can sometimes be time-consuming.B. You cannot wear your favorite clothes to classes.C. There is no one answering your questions.D. Distance learning gives you a comfortable place to work in.查看答案请关注【快跑搜题】微信公众号,发送题目即可获取第7题

  In some cases, your instructor may tell you the topics or may give you a choice of topics to write about() advanceB.ahead ofC.above allD.just right查看答案请关注【快跑搜题】微信公众号,发送题目即可获取第8题

  如果你想问:他是你的新数学老师吗”应该说()A.Is she your math teacher

  B.He is your new math teacher

  C.Is he your new math teacher


  -I study Chinese, English and Math at school. -I wonder ______ your like best among them.A.who





   –Math is difficult for me. How I wish to improve it!–Don’t lose your confidence. I bel–Math is difficult for me. How I wish to improve it!–Don’t lose your confidence. I bel–Math is difficult for me. How I wish to improve it!–Don’t lose your confidence. I believe you will _______ it if you keep trying.A. takeB. workC. pickD. make查看答案请关注【快跑搜题】微信公众号,发送题目即可获取第11题

  You are a trainee technician at TestKing, Inc. Your instructor tells you to backup an IOS image of a Cisco device to a Windows 2003 server on the network.What should you do first?()A. Make sure that the network server can be accessed.B. Check that the authentication for access is set.C. Assure that the network server has adequate space for the code image.D. Verify any file naming and path requirements.E. Make sure that the server can load and run the bootstrap code.




已知某项目的各活动的逻辑关系、 工时, 如下表所示, 请画出该项目的双代号网络图。已知某项目的各活动的逻辑关系、 工时, 如下表所示, 请画出该项目的双代号网络图。
在两个吸收塔a. b中用清水吸收某种气态污染物,气-液相平衡符合亨利定律。如图8-1所示,采用不在两个吸收塔a. b中用清水吸收某种气态污染物,气-液相平衡符合亨利定律。如图8-1所示,采用不
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