He is very () to call me tonight.I can sense that.

  快跑搜题,海量国家开放大学和大学考试复习和大学网课题库。下面是我们为您分享的一道[单选题]:He is very () to call me tonight.I can sense that.考试题目的答案,如果您在复习过程中遇到任何难题,只需关注快跑搜题公众号,发送您的问题,我们就会立即为您提供详尽的答案。

  题目:He is very () to call me tonight.I can sense that.










  更多“He is very () to call me tonight.I can sense that.”相关的问题


  Mr.Frederick M.Lussen was perplexed by the fact that _____.(Who Saw Murder Didn’t Cal

  A.it was very extraordinary homicide

  B.the killer was such a merciless one

  C.the woman’s neighbors didn’t call the police

  D.the killer should have tried three times before he was able to kill the woman



  Since Rose doesn’t love Cal, why is she marrying him?()

  A.Rose is attracted by Cal’s talents

  B.Rose is forced by her snobbish mother

  C.Cal loves her so much

  D.Cal is a steel magnate who is very wealthy



  Why is Rose given the chance to get on one of the lifeboats?()

  A.Because she is very rich

  B.Because she is arranged to marry Cal

  C.Because she is from loyal family

  D.Because of the “women and children first” policy



  Mahathir sacked Anwar in part because he ____ changes to that cozy relationship.A、cal

  A.called on

  B. called for

  C. called away

  D. called back



  How do you describe Cal’s love for Rose?()

  A.They share similar values

  B.He gives a precious diamond to Rose and he loves her deeply

  C.He understands her feelings from her inner heart

  D.His love is a kind of selfish possession



  If a student wants to go to university in Britain, he will take the examination cal

  A.General Certificate of Education – Advance

  B.General Certificate of Secondary Education.

  C.the common entrance examination.

  D.General National Vocational Qualifications.



  In his job as sales support associate , Cal helps four busy salespeople at a company that sells flooring , wallpaper ,

  In his job as sales support associate , Cal helps four busy salespeople at a company that sells flooring , wallpaper ,

  and countertop materials for kitchens and bathrooms. The

  company , Floors &. More , has four locations , each in a different city.

  All the salespeople have cubicles , though they spend most of their time madding sales presentations in people's homes. Cal's job is to process the salespeople's orders. When a

  problem - such as a back order - comes up. he puts his paperwork back on the appropriate person' s desk. Cal has anyone suggested that he do so. He sometimes runs out of things to do. When that happens , he waits in a cubicle until something comes up.

  In the showroom , the receptionist. Angelica. also has a cubicle. Angelica answers all incoming calls. The phone rings 10 to 20 times per hour. Most calls are for the salespeople. Angelica takes messages (usually just a name and number) for the absent salespeople. If showroom customers have a question. they often must wait until angelica is between phone calls. Sometimes. if a caller isn't someone she knows , she puts the call on hold and answers

  a question with the phone resting on her shoulder.

  Occasionally customers in the showroom approach Cal with a question. Sometimes he just says , "I' m not a salesperson; I can't help you." At other times. Cal tells them they'll have to wait for Angelica or make an appointment with one of the salespeople. The salespeople , however , do not have telephones with them when they are out of the

  showroom , and Angelica does not schedule appointments for them.

  26. What does Cal do as a sales support associate?

  A. He sells materials to salespeople.

  B. He processes the salespeople' s orders.

  C. He makes arrangements with customers.

  27. Which of the following is true about Cal?

  A. He helps dozens of salespeople.

  B. He offers rewards to salespeople.

  C. He presents the problem to the appropriate people.

  28. Which of the following is NOT Angelica' s job?

  A. Answering calls.

  B. Leaving messages.

  C. scheduling appointments.

  29. Customers in the showroom Cal.

  A. sometimes inquire

  B. always meet

  C. never talk to

  30. Cal is Angelica's ().

  A. external customer

  B. internal customer

  C.service provider



  Which of the following statements can best describe Cal?()

  A、A snobbish and selfish man who attaches so much importance to money that he measures almost everything in moneyB、A poor guy who is betrayed by his beloved fiancéeC、A generous man who sympathizes the impoverished peopleD、A warm-hearted and grateful person



  The school in which he once studied is very famous. ()

  The school in which he once studied is very famous. ()



  He is always very active in student activities.英译汉



  他对陌生人不太友善。A、He is not very friend to strangers.B、He is not very friendless to

  他对陌生人不太友善。A、He is not very friend to strangers.B、He is not very friendless to strangers.C、He is not very friendship to strangers.D、He is not very friendly to strangers.




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