mike his colleagues when the phone rang.




  1. What were Mike and his colleagues doing when the phone rang?

  a) Having lunch

  b) Working on a project

  c) Taking a break

  d) Leaving the office

  答案: b) Working on a project

  解析:根据题目中的信息"the phone rang"可以推断出他们正在做某件事情,而不是在休息或离开办公室。选项b) "Working on a project"最符合题意。




  2. Mike and his colleagues were _______________ when the phone rang.

  答案:working on a project





  3. Mike and his colleagues were not at the office when the phone rang. (True/False)

  答案: False

  解析:根据题目中的信息"the phone rang"可以推断出他们在办公室,所以该判断为False。




  4. Describe what you think happened after the phone rang and how it affected Mike and his colleagues.

  答案示例: After the phone rang, Mike and his colleagues stopped working on their project and answered the call. It was an important client who needed immediate assistance. They quickly organized a meeting to discuss the clients needs and assigned tasks to each team member. The phone call had a significant impact on their work as they had to shift their focus from the project to addressing the clients requirements. However, their efficient teamwork and quick response helped them successfully handle the situation and satisfy the clients needs.



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