the programme gives students the opportunity to learn more about global warming
1. What is one of the main causes of global warming?
A) Deforestation
B) Recycling
C) Organic farming
D) Wind energy
答案: A) Deforestation
2. Which gas is primarily responsible for global warming?
A) Oxygen
B) Nitrogen
C) Carbon dioxide
D) Hydrogen
答案: C) Carbon dioxide
3. Which of the following activities can help reduce global warming?
A) Increasing fossil fuel usage
B) Planting more trees
C) Using plastic bags
D) Driving gasoline cars
答案: B) Planting more trees
1. The _______________ effect is a natural process that warms the Earth’s surface.
答案: greenhouse
2. The melting of polar ice caps is a direct consequence of __________________.
答案: global warming
3. Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, help in reducing ____________________ emissions.
答案: carbon dioxide
1. Global warming has no effect on sea levels. ( )
答案: 错误
2. Using public transportation can help in reducing global warming. ( )
答案: 正确
3. Burning fossil fuels is a major contributor to global warming. ( )
答案: 正确
答案: 全球变暖对环境有许多重大影响。首先,由于气温上升,冰川和冰盖融化,导致海平面上升,这可能会淹没沿海城市和低洼地区。其次,全球变暖还会导致极端天气事件增加,如热浪、干旱和洪水等。这些变化不仅威胁人类的生存环境,还会影响动植物的栖息地。
1. 减少温室气体排放:这可以通过使用清洁能源如太阳能和风能来代替煤炭和石油等化石燃料。此外,推广电动汽车和公共交通也有助于减少碳排放。
2. 增加森林覆盖率:植树造林是吸收二氧化碳的有效方法。森林不仅可以吸收大量的二氧化碳,还提供了丰富的生物多样性,有助于生态系统平衡。