the newspaper says we should sort trash. 判断题 (1 分) a. 对 b. 错 2. many c




  1. What is the capital of France? (1 分)

  a. Berlin

  b. Madrid

  c. Paris

  d. Rome

  答案: c. Paris

  解析: 巴黎是法国的首都,既是政治、经济和文化中心,也是世界著名的旅游城市。

  2. Which planet is known as the Red Planet? (1 分)

  a. Earth

  b. Mars

  c. Jupiter

  d. Saturn

  答案: b. Mars

  解析: 火星被称为“红色星球”,因为它表面覆盖了一层氧化铁(铁锈),使得整个星球呈现红色。




  3. The process by which plants make their own food using sunlight is called __________. (1 分)

  答案: photosynthesis

  解析: 光合作用(photosynthesis)是植物利用阳光、水和二氧化碳制造食物的过程,是植物生长和能量获取的重要途径。

  4. The largest ocean on Earth is the __________ Ocean. (1 分)

  答案: Pacific

  解析: 太平洋(Pacific Ocean)是地球上最大的海洋,占据了地球表面积的三分之一。




  5. The newspaper says we should sort trash. (1 分)

  a. 对

  b. 错

  答案: a. 对

  解析: 许多报纸和媒体都会宣传垃圾分类的重要性,以提高公众环保意识,帮助减少污染。

  6. Humans can breathe in space without any special equipment. (1 分)

  a. 对

  b. 错

  答案: b. 错

  解析: 在太空中没有氧气,人类需要穿戴特殊的航天设备才能正常呼吸和生存。




  7. Describe the importance of biodiversity. (10 分)

  答案: Biodiversity is crucial for maintaining the balance of ecosystems and ensuring the survival of various species. It provides numerous benefits, including ecological services such as pollination of plants, purification of water, and regulation of climate. Additionally, biodiversity contributes to human well-being by providing resources for food, medicine, and recreation. Preserving biodiversity helps to prevent the loss of species and genetic diversity, which is essential for adapting to changing environmental conditions and sustaining the health of the planet.

  解析: 生物多样性对于维持生态系统的平衡和各种物种的生存至关重要。它提供了许多好处,包括植物授粉、水净化和气候调节等生态服务。此外,生物多样性通过提供食物、药物和娱乐资源,促进人类福祉。保护生物多样性有助于防止物种和遗传多样性的丧失,这对适应环境变化和维持地球健康至关重要。






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