performance evaluation理工英语4




  1. Which of the following is NOT a method used in performance evaluation?

   - A) Graphic rating scales

   - B) Cost-benefit analysis

   - C) Behaviorally anchored rating scales

   - D) Management by objectives

  答案与解析: B) Cost-benefit analysis. Performance evaluation methods focus on assessing employee performance rather than financial analysis.

  2. Performance evaluation is primarily used for:

   - A) Punishing underperforming employees

   - B) Rewarding exceptional performance

   - C) Controlling employee behavior

   - D) All of the above

  答案与解析: B) Rewarding exceptional performance. While performance evaluation can influence behavior, its primary purpose is to recognize and reward good performance.




  3. The _____ method of performance evaluation compares an employees performance against specific examples of behavior that are anchored to numerical ratings.

  答案: Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS)

  4. SMART goals are often used in performance evaluations, where SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and _____.

  答案: Time-bound




  5. True or False: 360-degree feedback involves gathering performance feedback from only immediate supervisors.

  答案与解析: False. 360-degree feedback involves gathering feedback from multiple sources, including peers, subordinates, and supervisors.




  6. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using 360-degree feedback in performance evaluation.


  Advantages: Provides comprehensive feedback from various perspectives, promotes self-awareness, and encourages development.

  Disadvantages: Can be time-consuming to gather feedback, may lead to biased responses, and requires a robust feedback culture to be effective.




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