my mother never lets ________ help ________ with the cooking




  1. Which pair of words correctly fills in the blanks in the following sentence?

  my mother never lets ________ help ________ with the cooking.












    • a) him / she
    • b) he / her
    • c) himself / herself
    • d) me / they


  Correct answer: b) he / her

  Explanation: The correct pair of pronouns to complete the sentence is "he" for the first blank (subject form) and "her" for the second blank (object form).




  2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate pronouns:

  my mother never lets ________ help ________ with the cooking.

  Answer: me / her

  Explanation: The sentence requires the objective form "me" to indicate who is not allowed to help, and "her" for the person receiving the help.




  3. True or False: The sentence suggests that the speakers mother excludes someone from helping with the cooking.

  Answer: True

  Explanation: The phrase "never lets" indicates a restriction or exclusion, implying someone is not allowed to assist with cooking.




  4. Discuss why some parents might restrict their children from helping with cooking.


  Parents may have various reasons for not allowing their children to help with cooking. Firstly, it could be due to safety concerns, as cooking involves handling sharp objects and hot surfaces which may pose risks to children. Secondly, parents may want to maintain control over the kitchen environment to ensure meals are prepared correctly. Lastly, some parents may view cooking as a task that requires experience and skill, and they may prefer to handle it themselves until they feel their children are ready to participate safely and effectively.

  Overall, while involvement in cooking can be educational and foster independence in children, parental restrictions often stem from concerns for safety, quality, and readiness.


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