mary, the 17-year-old daughter of a rich textile(纺织品) owner was freed(释




  题目: Mary, the 17-year-old daughter of a rich textile owner was freed.

  1. What is the subject matter of the text?

   - A) Marys family background

   - B) A textile owners daughter

   - C) Marys emancipation

   - D) None of the above

  答案: C) Marys emancipation

  解析: The phrase "was freed" indicates that Mary has been liberated from something, likely a situation or condition, hence focusing on her emancipation.




  题目: Marys father owned a ____________ business.

  答案: textile

  解析: The text explicitly states that Marys father was a textile owner, indicating ownership of a textile business.




  题目: Mary is 17 years old.

  - True

  - False

  答案: True

  解析: It is explicitly mentioned in the title that Mary is 17 years old.




  题目: Discuss the significance of Marys emancipation in the context of her familys wealth.

  答案: Marys emancipation from her familys wealth and influence could symbolize her quest for personal autonomy and identity beyond material wealth. It might signify a break from societal expectations and the pursuit of her own path and values.

  解析: The title suggests that Marys emancipation is a pivotal event, potentially indicating a departure from a life of privilege to seek independence and define herself beyond her familys wealth and status. This can prompt a deeper analysis of societal norms and personal growth.

  This structured approach not only answers the specific questions but also ensures clarity and relevance for SEO purposes.



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