which one of the following elements of culture tends to resist change and ad


Which one of the following elements of culture tends to resist change and adaption?



Multiple Choice Questions


  1. Question: Which element of culture tends to resist change?

   - A) Language

   - B) Technology

   - C) Clothing

   - D) Food

  Answer: A) Language

  Explanation: Language is deeply ingrained in cultural identity and tends to resist change due to its role in communication and preservation of heritage.



Fill in the Blank


  2. Question: ___________ is a cultural element that often remains traditional over time.

  Answer: Religion

  Explanation: Religion typically remains resistant to change due to its deep-seated beliefs and practices that are preserved over generations.



True or False


  3. Statement: Social norms are highly resistant to change.

  Answer: True

  Explanation: Social norms are unwritten rules that dictate behavior within a society, and they tend to resist change as they provide stability and predictability.



Essay Question


  4. Question: Discuss why language is considered a cultural element that resists change. Provide examples to support your explanation.


  Language serves as a cornerstone of cultural identity and communication. It encapsulates a societys history, values, and worldview. Due to its integral role in daily life and identity formation, language tends to resist change over time.

  One reason for this resistance is the deep emotional and cultural attachment people have to their native languages. For instance, indigenous languages around the world are actively preserved by communities despite pressures from dominant languages. These languages are seen as repositories of cultural knowledge and heritage.

  Furthermore, languages provide a sense of belonging and continuity across generations. Families pass down linguistic traditions, idioms, and dialects as part of their cultural legacy. Attempts to alter or replace these linguistic norms are often met with resistance due to their perceived threat to cultural identity.

  In conclusion, while languages do evolve gradually over time, they generally resist sudden or radical changes due to their significance in maintaining cultural cohesion and identity.


  This structured approach to answering different types of exam questions ensures clarity and depth in addressing the topic of cultural elements resistant to change.



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