____she wins ____loses, this is her last chance




  ____ she wins ____ loses, this is her last chance.

  A. If; or

  B. Whether; or

  C. Either; and

  D. Not only; but also

  答案及解析: B. Whether; or





  Complete the sentence: _____ she wins _____ loses, this is her last chance.

  答案及解析: Whether; or

  这个填空题要求根据句意填入适当的词语。句子意思是无论她赢或者输,这是她的最后机会,因此正确答案是“Whether; or”。




  Is the following statement true or false?

  The phrase "whether she wins or loses" indicates a condition with two possible outcomes.

  答案及解析: True

  The phrase "whether she wins or loses" indeed presents a condition where there are two possible outcomes: winning or losing. Hence, the statement is true.




  Discuss the meaning and usage of the expression "whether she wins or loses".


  The expression "whether she wins or loses" is used to introduce a condition where the outcome can go either way. It implies that regardless of the result (winning or losing), a particular situation or consequence will follow. This phrase is commonly used in discussions, debates, or narratives to highlight the inevitability of an event or decision based on an uncertain outcome.

  In grammar, "whether" is used to introduce a clause indicating two or more alternatives, while "or" presents a choice between those alternatives. Together, they form a structure that sets up a conditional scenario. This expression is essential for indicating possibilities and choices in both spoken and written English.

  Overall, "whether she wins or loses" emphasizes the critical nature of the forthcoming result, making it a pivotal moment or decision in a given context.







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