he回答 english for eight years. a. has learned b. learned c. learns d. is le


English for Eight Years: Exam Questions and Answers



Multiple Choice Questions


  1. He answered ________ English for eight years.

   - a. has learned

   - b. learned

   - c. learns

   - d. is learning

Correct Answer: b. learned

Explanation: The correct form to indicate past action over a specific period (eight years) is "learned," indicating completion of the action in the past.

  2. Which sentence uses the correct tense for an action completed in the past?

   - a. She is study English every day.

   - b. He learning English since 2016.

   - c. They has practiced English recently.

   - d. We have studied English for five years.

Correct Answer: d. We have studied English for five years.

Explanation: This sentence correctly uses the present perfect tense to indicate an action that started in the past and continues into the present.


Fill in the Blanks


  3. He ________ English for eight years.

Correct Answer: has learned

Explanation: "Has learned" is the correct form of the present perfect tense, indicating an action that started in the past and has relevance to the present.

  4. By next year, she ________ English for nine years.

Correct Answer: will have learned

Explanation: The future perfect tense "will have learned" is used to indicate completion of an action by a certain point in the future.


True or False Questions


  5. Learning English for eight years implies ongoing study.

   - True

Explanation: True. "Learning English for eight years" suggests continuous effort and study over an extended period.

  6. "He has learned English for eight years" suggests the action is ongoing.

   - False

Explanation: False. The present perfect "has learned" implies the action started in the past and has been completed or has relevance to the present.


Short Answer Questions


  7. Discuss the difference between "learned" and "has learned" in the context of studying English.

Answer: "Learned" indicates a past action completed at a specific time, such as "He learned English last year." On the other hand, "has learned" (present perfect) suggests an action started in the past and has relevance to the present, like "He has learned English for eight years," indicating ongoing study and proficiency.

  8. How would you rewrite the sentence "He is learning English for eight years" to accurately reflect the intended meaning?

Answer: "He has been learning English for eight years" would be a more accurate representation of continuous action over a specified period.

  In conclusion, mastering the correct tense usage is crucial for conveying precise meanings in English grammar, especially when discussing durations of time and completed actions. Understanding these nuances enhances both spoken and written communication skills.



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