



  1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Romantic poetry?

   - A) Emphasis on emotion and intuition

   - B) Reverence for classical forms

   - C) Appreciation of nature

   - D) Celebration of individualism

  答案及解析: B) Reverence for classical forms. Romantic poetry often rebelled against classical forms and sought more freedom in expression, focusing on emotion, nature, and individualism.

  2. Who is considered the founder of modern existentialism?

   - A) Friedrich Nietzsche

   - B) Søren Kierkegaard

   - C) Jean-Paul Sartre

   - D) Albert Camus

  答案及解析: B) Søren Kierkegaard. He is recognized for his exploration of the individuals experience and existence, laying foundational ideas for existentialist thought.




  3. The Renaissance period began in _________.

   - 答案: Italy

  4. In Shakespeares play "Hamlet," the famous soliloquy beginning with "To be, or not to be" reflects on the theme of __________.

   - 答案: mortality




  5. William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge collaborated on the collection of poems called "Lyrical Ballads."

   - 答案及解析: 正确。他们合作创作了这本诗集,这标志着浪漫主义诗歌的开端。

  6. The Industrial Revolution had no impact on literature and art during the Romantic period.

   - 答案及解析: 错误。工业革命的影响深远,激发了对自然、个人和人道主义价值的思考,成为浪漫主义文学的主题之一。




  7. Discuss the impact of the Enlightenment on literature and philosophy in the 18th century.

   - 答案: The Enlightenment, characterized by rationalism and a focus on empirical evidence, challenged traditional authority and promoted ideas of individual rights and scientific progress. In literature, it led to the rise of satire, realistic fiction, and the novel as a form that explored social issues and human behavior. Philosophically, thinkers like Voltaire and Rousseau questioned established norms and advocated for social reform and intellectual freedom.

  8. How did Romantic poets perceive nature and its role in their works?

   - 答案: Romantic poets viewed nature as a source of inspiration and a reflection of the human spirit. They celebrated its beauty, used it as a metaphor for emotions and spiritual truths, and often contrasted it with the negative aspects of industrialization. Through their poetry, they sought to evoke powerful emotional responses and reconnect readers with the natural world.




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