they were warmly by the local people. a welcomed b welcome c welcoming


英语题目:they were warmly by the local people.





  1. Choose the correct form to complete the sentence:

   - a) a welcomed

   - b) welcome

   - c) welcoming

Correct answer: b) welcome

Explanation: In this sentence, "welcome" is the correct form to use as it fits the sentence structure and tense.




  2. Fill in the blank with the appropriate word:

   - They were _______ by the local people.

Correct answer: welcomed

Explanation: The correct form of the verb "welcome" in past tense is "welcomed," which completes the sentence correctly.




  3. True or False: The sentence uses the correct tense and form of the verb "welcome."

Correct answer: True

Explanation: The sentence "they were warmly welcomed by the local people" is grammatically correct and uses the past tense form of "welcome" appropriately.




  4. Discuss the meaning and usage of the word "welcomed" in the sentence.

Answer: The word "welcomed" in the sentence indicates that the local people greeted or received the individuals warmly and with hospitality. It is the past tense form of the verb "welcome," which means to greet someone with pleasure or kindly receive them. In this context, it signifies a positive reception from the local community towards the individuals mentioned in the sentence.




  This set of questions and answers explores different aspects of the sentence "they were warmly welcomed by the local people," covering multiple question types commonly found in language assessments. It tests understanding of verb forms, sentence structure, and comprehension of meaning within a contextual framework. Each answer provides a clear explanation to aid in understanding the correct usage of the word "welcome" in the given sentence.



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