although the original meaning of the word “tuxedo” is “wolf”,people are




  1. What is the original meaning of the word "tuxedo"?

   - A) Penguin

   - B) Wolf

   - C) Bear

   - D) Fox

答案解析: B) Wolf。尽管“tuxedo”一词在现代通常指礼服,但其原始含义是“狼”。

  2. When did the term "tuxedo" first become associated with formal wear?

   - A) 19th century

   - B) 20th century

   - C) 18th century

   - D) Renaissance

答案解析: A) 19th century。在19世纪,“tuxedo”一词开始与正式服装联系在一起。




  3. The term "tuxedo" is primarily associated with ________.

答案: formal attire

  4. The word "tuxedo" originates from the name of a Native American tribe called ________.

答案: Lenape




  5. The modern meaning of "tuxedo" refers to a type of bird.

   - True

   - False

答案: False。现代意义上的“tuxedo”指的是一种正式的服装,而不是一种鸟类。

  6. The Lenape people originally inhabited the area now known as ________.

   - A) New Jersey

   - B) California

   - C) Texas

   - D) Florida

答案: A) New Jersey。Lenape人最初居住在今天的新泽西州地区。




  7. Discuss the evolution of the term "tuxedo" from its original meaning to its current usage in formal fashion. Include historical context and cultural influences in your answer.


   The term "tuxedo" originally derived from the Lenape word "ptuck-sepo," meaning "wolf." This name was applied to an area in New York and later to a particular style of jacket worn there. Over time, the term shifted in meaning to refer to a type of formal wear, specifically a dinner jacket or suit worn on formal occasions. This evolution occurred in the late 19th century when the wealthy elite of New York began wearing this style of jacket at the Tuxedo Park Club. The influence of high society and fashion magazines further popularized the term, associating it with elegance and formality.

   Today, "tuxedo" universally denotes a formal attire worn predominantly at evening events, such as weddings and galas. Its journey from a Native American name to a symbol of sophistication highlights the dynamic nature of language and cultural appropriation in fashion.




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