



  1. Which of the following organizations is primarily responsible for the enforcement of international economic law?

   - A) World Trade Organization (WTO)

   - B) United Nations (UN)

   - C) International Monetary Fund (IMF)

   - D) European Union (EU)

   Correct Answer: A) World Trade Organization (WTO)

   Explanation: The WTO oversees international trade rules and resolves disputes among member countries regarding trade issues.

  2. The principle of non-discrimination in international trade is embodied in which WTO agreement?

   - A) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

   - B) Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)

   - C) Agreement on Agriculture (AoA)

   - D) Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)

   Correct Answer: A) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

   Explanation: GATT prohibits discrimination between trading partners and promotes equal treatment in trade relations.




  3. The most-favored-nation (MFN) principle requires WTO members to extend their best __________ treatment to all other WTO members.

   Correct Answer: trade

   Explanation: MFN treatment ensures that each WTO member receives the most favorable trading terms that any member country grants to another.

  4. International investment agreements often include provisions for the protection of ____________.

   Correct Answer: foreign investors

   Explanation: These provisions typically safeguard foreign investors from unfair treatment by host countries, such as expropriation without compensation.




  5. (True/False) Dispute settlement mechanisms within the WTO include the ability for member countries to appeal rulings to a higher court.

   Correct Answer: False

   Explanation: WTO dispute settlement decisions are final and cannot be appealed to a higher court.

  6. (True/False) Bilateral investment treaties (BITs) are a common type of international agreement that governs trade relations between two specific countries.

   Correct Answer: True

   Explanation: BITs are agreements between two countries that establish reciprocal protections for investments made by nationals and companies of one country in the other.




  7. Discuss the role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in promoting global economic stability.

   Answer: The IMF plays a crucial role in promoting global economic stability through its various functions. Firstly, it provides financial assistance to member countries facing balance of payments problems, helping them stabilize their economies. Secondly, the IMF monitors global economic developments and provides policy advice to prevent financial crises. Thirdly, it offers technical assistance and capacity building to member countries, enhancing their economic management capabilities. Overall, the IMF aims to foster international monetary cooperation, exchange rate stability, and sustainable economic growth.

  8. Analyze the impact of trade liberalization on developing countries.

   Answer: Trade liberalization can have both positive and negative impacts on developing countries. On one hand, it opens up access to larger markets, promotes economic growth through increased exports, and attracts foreign investment. On the other hand, it can expose domestic industries to competition, leading to job losses and income inequality. Developing countries often need support in building capacity, improving infrastructure, and diversifying their economies to fully benefit from trade liberalization.

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