from the passage we learn that jim thorpe was born in




  1. Jim Thorpe was born in:

  a) 1887

  b) 1890

  c) 1893

  d) 1900

  答案与解析: b) 1890. Jim Thorpe was born on May 28, 1887, according to records.




  2. Jim Thorpe was a famous:

  答案与解析: athlete. Jim Thorpe was renowned as a multi-talented athlete excelling in track and field, football, and other sports.




  3. Jim Thorpe was of Native American heritage.

  a) True

  b) False

  答案与解析: a) True. Jim Thorpe was of Sac and Fox (Sauk and Fox) Native American heritage.




  4. Discuss Jim Thorpes impact on American sports.

  答案与解析: Jim Thorpe made significant contributions to American sports through his exceptional athletic abilities and achievements. He won two gold medals in the 1912 Olympics, showcasing his prowess in track and field. Thorpes versatility extended to football, where he played professionally and became a pivotal figure in early American football history. His legacy as an indigenous athlete also highlighted the barriers he faced and overcame, inspiring generations to come.




  Jim Thorpe, born in 1887, remains an enduring figure in American sports history. From his Olympic triumphs to his impact on football and beyond, his legacy continues to inspire athletes worldwide.



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