up to now, he回答 very hard-working.




  1. Which of the following sentences correctly uses the word "hard-working"?

   a) He回答 very hard-working.

   b) He is very hard-working.

   c) He works hard-working.

   d) He answered hard-working.

   正确答案: b) He is very hard-working.

   解析: The correct usage of "hard-working" in a sentence requires it to be used as an adjective describing a noun, usually a person. Therefore, option b) "He is very hard-working" is correct.




  2. Complete the sentence with the appropriate form of "answer":

   Up to now, he _______ all the questions very accurately.

   正确答案: has answered

   解析: The verb "has answered" is in the present perfect tense, which is used to describe actions that happened at an unspecified time before now. The sentence indicates that the action of answering questions started in the past and continues up to the present.

  3. Fill in the blank with the correct adjective:

   She is known for being very __________ in her studies.

   正确答案: diligent

   解析: The adjective "diligent" means being careful and persistent in work or duties, which fits well in the context of describing someones dedication to their studies.




  4. 判断句子是否正确:He回答 very hard-working.

   正确答案: 错误

   解析: The sentence structure is incorrect because "回答" is a Chinese word meaning "to answer" and does not fit properly in the English sentence. Additionally, "hard-working" should be used to describe a noun, not a verb.

  5. 判断句子是否正确:She has always been a hard-working student.

   正确答案: 正确

   解析: This sentence correctly uses "hard-working" as an adjective to describe the noun "student." The sentence structure and grammar are correct.




  6. Discuss the importance of being hard-working in achieving academic success.

   正确答案: Being hard-working is crucial for academic success because it involves dedication, persistence, and consistent effort in ones studies. Hard-working students are more likely to understand and retain information, complete assignments on time, and perform well on exams. They also develop strong problem-solving skills and a good work ethic, which are valuable beyond academics. Importantly, hard work often leads to better grades and more opportunities for scholarships and advanced educational opportunities. In summary, being hard-working is a key factor that contributes to both immediate academic achievements and long-term personal and professional growth.

   解析: This discussion emphasizes the role of hard work in academic contexts by highlighting various benefits such as improved learning, timely completion of assignments, and better performance in exams. It also touches on the broader advantages, including enhanced problem-solving skills and future opportunities, supporting the argument comprehensively.



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