i can show you around, if you like.




  1. What does the phrase "show you around" most likely mean?

   - A) Take you on a tour.

   - B) Teach you a new skill.

   - C) Cook a meal for you.

   - D) Fix something for you.

   答案解析: A) Take you on a tour. "Show you around" commonly means to give someone a guided tour of a place.




  2. Please ____________ if you need any help during your visit.

   答案解析: "show you around" is a phrase that means to give a guided tour or to familiarize someone with a place or area.




  3. True or False: "Show you around" can only refer to showing someone a physical location.

   答案解析: False. While "show you around" often refers to giving a tour of a place, it can also metaphorically mean introducing someone to a topic or helping them understand something new.




  4. Discuss the importance of showing visitors around a new place.

   答案解析: Showing visitors around helps them familiarize themselves with the environment, understand key points of interest, and feel more comfortable navigating the area. It can enhance their overall experience and create a positive impression of hospitality.

  这些题目和答案旨在帮助理解和使用短语"show you around",并强调了其常见用法和重要性。



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