【填空题】1) e____, the catalysts of biological systems, are remarkable mole

  【填空题】1) e____, the catalysts of biological systems, are remarkable mole




  1. What are enzymes primarily known as in biological systems?

   A) Inhibitors

   B) Catalysts

   C) Substrates

   D) Activators

Correct Answer: B

   Enzymes act as catalysts in biological systems, speeding up chemical reactions.




  2. Complete the sentence: Enzymes, the catalysts of biological systems, are remarkable molecules that ________.

Correct Answer: facilitate biochemical reactions

   Enzymes facilitate biochemical reactions by lowering the activation energy required.




  3. True or False: Enzymes are consumed during chemical reactions.

Correct Answer: False

   Enzymes remain unchanged and can be reused in subsequent reactions.




  4. Discuss the importance of enzymes in biological processes, providing two examples.


   Enzymes play a crucial role in biological processes due to their ability to accelerate chemical reactions without being consumed. For example, digestive enzymes such as amylase break down carbohydrates in the digestive system, facilitating nutrient absorption. Additionally, enzymes like DNA polymerase are essential in DNA replication, ensuring accurate transmission of genetic information during cell division.

  This structured content provides insights into enzymes, highlighting their role as catalysts in biological systems while addressing various question types commonly found in educational assessments.



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