in today’s society, working people can seldom find time to relax themselves




  1. What is the main concern addressed in the statement "In today’s society, working people can seldom find time to relax themselves"?

  A. Lack of social interaction

  B. Difficulty in finding work-life balance

  C. Inadequate job training

  D. Traffic congestion

  Correct Answer: B

  Explanation: The statement suggests that a common issue faced by working individuals is the challenge of balancing work responsibilities with personal relaxation time.




  2. Working individuals often struggle to __________ themselves amidst their busy schedules.

  Correct Answer: relax




  3. True or False: Modern society provides ample opportunities for working people to unwind and relax.

  Correct Answer: False

  Explanation: The statement suggests that in todays society, it is difficult for working individuals to find time for relaxation, indicating a scarcity rather than abundance of opportunities.




  4. Discuss the factors contributing to the lack of relaxation time for working people in today’s society.

  Answer: Working people face numerous challenges that hinder their ability to relax. Firstly, long working hours and intense job demands consume much of their time and energy, leaving little room for personal leisure activities. Secondly, the pervasive use of digital technology blurs the boundaries between work and personal life, making it difficult for individuals to disconnect and unwind. Additionally, economic pressures and competitive job markets compel individuals to devote excessive time to work, further limiting their relaxation opportunities. Collectively, these factors underscore the significant barriers working people encounter in achieving a healthy work-life balance.

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