when they have回答 that new building, it will spoil the view. a. put off b.




  1. What does the phrase "put off" mean in the sentence "when they have put off that new building, it will spoil the view"?

  a) Excite

  b) Delay

  c) Construct

  d) Improve

  答案: b) Delay

  解析: "Put off" means to delay or postpone something. In the sentence given, it implies that once the building construction is delayed or postponed, it will negatively affect the view.




  2. Complete the sentence: The new building ______ the view.

  答案: spoils

  解析: The verb "spoils" fits in the blank as it means to diminish the quality or attractiveness of something, in this case, the view.




  3. True or False: The construction of the new building will enhance the view.

  答案: False

  解析: The statement is false. According to the sentence, the construction of the new building will spoil the view, not enhance it.




  4. Discuss the impact of urban development on scenic views in cities.

  Urban development often brings about both positive and negative impacts on scenic views in cities. On one hand, new buildings and infrastructure can contribute to modernization and economic growth. On the other hand, poorly planned development can detract from natural or historical landscapes, as seen in the case where the construction of new buildings can spoil existing scenic views. Balancing development with preservation of scenic beauty requires thoughtful urban planning and community engagement to ensure that new structures complement rather than overshadow natural surroundings.

  In conclusion, while urban development is necessary for progress, careful consideration must be given to its impact on scenic views to maintain the aesthetic and environmental integrity of urban areas.


  This content addresses various question types commonly found in tests, including multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, true or false, and discussion questions. Each question is followed by a clear answer and explanation to help readers understand and learn from the content.



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