cyber security has always been a serious issue as the internet industry is e




  1. What is one of the primary concerns in cyber security?

   - A) Data encryption

   - B) Social media management

   - C) Email marketing

   - D) Website design

Correct Answer: A) Data encryption

Explanation: Data encryption ensures that sensitive information remains secure from unauthorized access, making it a fundamental aspect of cyber security.

  2. Which of the following is a common method of phishing?

   - A) Installing antivirus software

   - B) Sending fraudulent emails

   - C) Updating operating systems

   - D) Using strong passwords

Correct Answer: B) Sending fraudulent emails

Explanation: Phishing involves tricking individuals into revealing sensitive information through deceptive emails or websites.




  3. _____ is a type of malware designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid.

Correct Answer: Ransomware

Explanation: Ransomware encrypts files or locks a user out of their system until a ransom is paid.

  4. The process of converting data into a form that cannot be easily understood by unauthorized users is called _____.

Correct Answer: Encryption

Explanation: Encryption is crucial in protecting data integrity and confidentiality.




  5. True or False: Cyber security threats only affect large organizations.

Correct Answer: False

Explanation: Cyber security threats can affect anyone, from individuals to large corporations, as long as they are connected to the internet.

  6. True or False: Two-factor authentication involves using two different passwords for the same account.

Correct Answer: False

Explanation: Two-factor authentication typically involves combining something you know (password) with something you have (e.g., a smartphone for receiving a code).




  7. Discuss the importance of regular software updates in cyber security.

Correct Answer: Regular software updates are crucial as they often contain patches for security vulnerabilities identified by developers or through reported incidents. Updating software reduces the risk of exploitation by cyber criminals who target known weaknesses in outdated versions. This practice enhances overall system security and protects against evolving threats.

  This structured approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of key cyber security concepts and practices, suitable for both beginners and experienced professionals.



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