the international food safety authorities network (infosan)   with the rap




  1. What does INFOSAN stand for?

  A) International Food Safety Authorities Network

  B) International Food Standards Association Network

  C) International Food Safety Advisory Network

  D) None of the above

  答案及解析: A) INFOSAN stands for International Food Safety Authorities Network, which coordinates international food safety and related public health issues among national authorities.




  2. INFOSAN is managed by ________.

  答案及解析: WHO (World Health Organization). INFOSAN is jointly managed by WHO and FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations).




  3. INFOSAN primarily focuses on animal health issues. (True/False)

  答案及解析: False. INFOSAN primarily focuses on food safety and related public health issues, not animal health.




  4. Discuss the role of INFOSAN in global food safety management.

  INFOSAN plays a crucial role in global food safety management by facilitating rapid information exchange during food safety emergencies, harmonizing responses among member countries, and promoting collaboration in investigating and controlling foodborne disease outbreaks. It serves as a platform for sharing scientific knowledge and best practices, thereby enhancing preparedness and response capabilities worldwide.




  INFOSAN, the International Food Safety Authorities Network, is a vital initiative managed by WHO and FAO. It operates as a network facilitating communication and cooperation among national food safety authorities globally. Understanding its role and function is essential for maintaining and improving food safety standards worldwide.


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