trust your ___________ and do what you think is right.




  1. What is the missing word in the phrase "trust your ___________ and do what you think is right"?

  A) heart

  B) mind

  C) instincts

  D) conscience

  Correct answer: C) instincts

  Explanation: The phrase suggests relying on ones instincts, which implies trusting ones intuitive feelings or natural inclination.




  2. Complete the following phrase: "trust your ___________ and do what you think is right."

  Answer: instincts




  3. True or False: The phrase advises against following logical reasoning.

  A) True

  B) False

  Correct answer: B) False

  Explanation: The phrase encourages trusting instincts but doesnt imply ignoring logical reasoning entirely.




  4. Discuss the significance of trusting ones instincts in decision-making.

  To trust ones instincts means to rely on ones innate perception or gut feeling when making decisions. This can be crucial in situations where immediate action is needed or when facing uncertain outcomes. Instincts are often based on past experiences and subconscious processing, providing a valuable alternative to purely rational decision-making. However, its essential to balance instinct with rational thought to ensure well-rounded decisions. Trusting instincts can lead to more authentic choices aligned with personal values and goals.

  In conclusion, trusting ones instincts is about recognizing and valuing intuition as a valid input in decision-making processes, complementing logical reasoning to achieve balanced and thoughtful outcomes.



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