i think he is a good scientist.广开答案







  1. Who is often considered the father of modern physics?

   - A) Isaac Newton

   - B) Albert Einstein

   - C) Galileo Galilei

   - D) Niels Bohr

答案解析: B) Albert Einstein. Although Isaac Newton made foundational contributions to classical mechanics, Albert Einstein is credited with revolutionizing physics with his theories of relativity.

  2. Which of the following is a greenhouse gas?

   - A) Nitrogen

   - B) Oxygen

   - C) Carbon Dioxide

   - D) Argon

答案解析: C) Carbon Dioxide. It is a well-known greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.




  3. The chemical symbol for water is H2O. This means each water molecule contains _____ hydrogen atom(s) and _____ oxygen atom(s).

答案解析: 2; 1. Each water molecule consists of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.

  4. The speed of light in a vacuum is approximately _____ meters per second.

答案解析: 299,792,458. This is a fundamental constant in physics.




  5. Thomas Edison invented the telephone.

   - True

   - False

答案解析: False. Alexander Graham Bell is credited with inventing the telephone, not Thomas Edison.

  6. The Earth orbits around the Sun.

   - True

   - False

答案解析: True. This is a basic fact in astronomy known as heliocentrism.




  7. Discuss why Albert Einstein is considered a good scientist.

答案解析: Albert Einstein is regarded as a good scientist due to his revolutionary theories of relativity, which fundamentally changed our understanding of space, time, and energy. His contributions to physics include the photoelectric effect and the theory of general relativity, which have been pivotal in the development of modern physics and cosmology. Einsteins work continues to influence scientific research and technological advancements today.

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