finally one day in the year 1878, so the story goes




  1. When did the events described in the story "Finally One Day in the Year 1878" allegedly take place?












    • a) 1877
    • b) 1878
    • c) 1879
    • d) 1880


  答案与解析: b) 1878. The storys title indicates that the events occurred in 1878, as stated in the question stem.




  2. Fill in the blank: According to the story, the protagonist discovered the secret room on ____________.

  答案与解析: a certain day in 1878. The blank is filled with "a certain day in," indicating a specific date in the year 1878 as described in the story.




  3. True or False: "Finally One Day in the Year 1878" is a non-fictional account.








    • a) True
    • b) False


  答案与解析: b) False. The title suggests the story is fictional, using the phrase "so the story goes" indicates it may not be entirely factual.




  4. Discuss the significance of the year 1878 in the context of the storys setting and plot development.

  答案与解析: The year 1878 holds pivotal importance in the story, serving as the backdrop against which significant events unfold. It marks the discovery of the secret room and sets the stage for the protagonists journey of revelation and exploration.

  这篇内容通过不同的题型展示了对题目“Finally One Day in the Year 1878, so the story goes”相关的多角度理解和解答。



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