






  1. Which of the following are advantages of using version control systems? (Select all that apply)

   - A) Facilitates collaboration among team members

   - B) Tracks changes and facilitates rollbacks

   - C) Provides encryption for secure file storage

   - D) Allows for automatic code deployment

  Correct Answer: A, B

  Explanation: Version control systems like Git help teams collaborate effectively by tracking changes (B) and allowing rollbacks (B) when needed. They do not provide encryption for secure storage (C) or handle automatic deployment (D).

  2. Which of these are types of sorting algorithms? (Select all that apply)

   - A) Bubble Sort

   - B) Depth-First Search

   - C) Merge Sort

   - D) Binary Search

  Correct Answer: A, C

  Explanation: Bubble Sort (A) and Merge Sort (C) are both examples of sorting algorithms. Depth-First Search (B) and Binary Search (D) are not sorting algorithms but rather search algorithms.




  3. The capital of France is __________.

  Correct Answer: Paris

  Explanation: Paris is the capital city of France.

  4. The formula for calculating the area of a rectangle is length × __________.

  Correct Answer: Width

  Explanation: The area of a rectangle is calculated by multiplying its length and width.




  5. True or False: Python is a statically typed programming language.

  Correct Answer: False

  Explanation: Python is dynamically typed, meaning variable types are determined at runtime and not explicitly declared.

  6. True or False: The Earth is the largest planet in our solar system.

  Correct Answer: False

  Explanation: Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, not Earth.




  7. Discuss the impact of climate change on global biodiversity.

  Answer: Climate change has profound effects on global biodiversity. Rising temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and sea level rise alter habitats, forcing species to adapt, migrate, or face extinction. For example, coral bleaching due to warming oceans threatens marine ecosystems, while shifting climates disrupt migration and breeding patterns for terrestrial species. Conservation efforts and international cooperation are crucial to mitigate these impacts and preserve biodiversity for future generations.

  8. Explain the importance of cybersecurity in modern society.

  Answer: Cybersecurity is vital in modern society to protect sensitive information, infrastructure, and individual privacy. With increasing digital connectivity, threats such as data breaches, identity theft, and cyberattacks on critical systems pose significant risks. Effective cybersecurity measures, including encryption, secure authentication, and proactive threat detection, safeguard against these threats. Collaboration between governments, businesses, and individuals is essential to maintain a secure digital environment.

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