



  1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Romantic literature?

   - A) Emphasis on emotion and intuition

   - B) Focus on individualism and nature

   - C) Celebration of reason and logic

   - D) Interest in the supernatural and exotic

  Correct Answer: C) Celebration of reason and logic.

  Explanation: Romantic literature typically opposes the Enlightenment emphasis on reason and instead celebrates emotion, intuition, and the supernatural.




  2. The novel "Pride and Prejudice" was written by __________.

  Correct Answer: Jane Austen

  Explanation: "Pride and Prejudice" is one of Jane Austens most famous novels, published in 1813.




  3. Shakespeares play "Hamlet" is a tragedy.

  Correct Answer: True

  Explanation: "Hamlet" is indeed classified as a tragedy, one of Shakespeares most famous works, exploring themes of revenge, madness, and moral corruption.




  4. Discuss the significance of the Industrial Revolution on English literature.

  Answer: The Industrial Revolution profoundly impacted English literature by shifting the focus from rural life to urbanization and industrialization. Writers began to explore themes of social injustice, alienation, and the human cost of progress. The Romantic poets reacted against the mechanization of society with a renewed emphasis on nature and individualism, while Victorian novelists like Charles Dickens depicted the struggles of the working class amidst industrial growth. Overall, the Industrial Revolution not only influenced the content of literature but also shaped new literary forms and styles.

  This structured approach ensures comprehensive coverage of various question types typically found in an English literature assessment, catering to both factual knowledge and analytical skills.



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