国开形成性考核 (管理英语(3)) 单元自测(5)试题及答案





1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of effective management communication?


  A. Clarity and precision

  B. Ambiguity and vagueness

  C. Conciseness and completeness

  D. Courtesy and tact

  答案:B. Ambiguity and vagueness

  解析:Effective management communication emphasizes clarity, precision, conciseness, completeness, and courtesy. Ambiguity and vagueness hinder effective communication.


2. What is the primary purpose of SWOT analysis?


  A. To identify strengths and weaknesses

  B. To formulate strategies

  C. To implement operational plans

  D. To conduct market research

  答案:B. To formulate strategies

  解析:SWOT analysis helps organizations identify internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external opportunities and threats, enabling them to formulate effective strategies.





3. The process of gathering information about job applicants is called ____________.



  解析:Recruitment involves collecting information about job applicants to assess their qualifications and suitability for a position.


4. In strategic management, SMART goals are goals that are __________, __________, __________, __________, and __________.


  答案:Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound

  解析:SMART goals are Specific (clear and well-defined), Measurable (quantifiable), Achievable (attainable), Relevant (aligned with objectives), and Time-bound (with a deadline).





5. Effective delegation involves transferring responsibility without authority.



  解析:Effective delegation involves transferring both responsibility and authority to ensure tasks are completed successfully.


6. The purpose of a performance appraisal is to assess an employees future potential.



  解析:The purpose of a performance appraisal is to evaluate an employees past performance and provide feedback for improvement, not to predict future potential.





7. Discuss the importance of cross-cultural communication in international business.


  答案:Cross-cultural communication is crucial in international business as it facilitates understanding and collaboration across different cultural contexts. Effective cross-cultural communication reduces misunderstandings, enhances trust, and improves negotiation outcomes. It helps businesses adapt their strategies to local customs and preferences, thus increasing their chances of success in global markets.




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