大学英语(b)(2) 060052过程性考核作业3




  1. What is the main topic of this passage?

   A. Technology advancements

   B. Global warming

   C. Agricultural practices

   D. Financial markets

Correct answer: A. Technology advancements

Explanation: The passage discusses recent innovations in technology.

  2. Which word is closest in meaning to "innovative"?

   A. Traditional

   B. Modern

   C. Routine

   D. Outdated

Correct answer: B. Modern

Explanation: "Innovative" means introducing new ideas; hence, "modern" is the closest synonym.




  3. The earth _____ around the sun.

Answer: revolves

Explanation: The earth completes one revolution around the sun in approximately 365 days.

  4. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert _____ into energy.

Answer: sunlight

Explanation: Plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.




  5. The moon orbits the earth.

True or False: True

Explanation: The moon indeed orbits the earth as part of its natural satellite system.

  6. Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.

True or False: True

Explanation: Mount Everest holds the title of being the highest peak above sea level.




  7. Discuss the impact of climate change on biodiversity.

Answer: Climate change threatens biodiversity in various ways. Rising temperatures disrupt habitats, affecting species ability to survive and reproduce. Shifts in climate patterns also alter ecosystems, leading to changes in species distribution and potential extinction risks.

Explanation: Its crucial to address climate change to preserve biodiversity and ensure the sustainability of ecosystems worldwide.

  This assessment covers various question types commonly found in academic evaluations, providing a comprehensive review of knowledge and critical thinking skills in the subject matter.



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