he has回答 for three days. a. left b. gone c. been away d. gone away

  he has回答 for three days. a. left b. gone c. been away d. gone away




  1. What is the correct phrase to complete the sentence?

   "He has been absent from work _______ for three days."

   a. left

   b. gone

   c. been away

   d. gone away

答案: c. been away

解析: "Been away" is the appropriate phrase to indicate someones absence from a place.




  2. Complete the sentence with the correct word:

   "He _______ for three days now."

答案: b. has gone

解析: The sentence requires the present perfect tense to indicate an action that started in the past and continues into the present.




  3. True or False: He left three days ago.

答案: False

解析: According to the context, he has been absent for three days, not left three days ago.




  4. Discuss why "been away" is the most suitable answer.

答案: "Been away" accurately describes his absence over a period of three days, indicating he has not been present.




  5. Choose the correct option and explain why it is appropriate:

   "He has _______ for three days."

答案: c. been away

解析: This phrase correctly conveys the duration of his absence, aligning with the context provided in the question.

  通过以上题目和答案解析,你可以理解和掌握"He has been away for three days."这个句子的正确使用和含义。



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