a rat is smaller than a mouse.




  1. Which animal is smaller, a rat or a mouse?












    • a) Rat
    • b) Mouse
    • c) They are the same size
    • d) Cannot be determined


  答案: b) Mouse

  解析: Despite the common misconception, mice are generally smaller than rats. While sizes can vary within each species, mice typically have a smaller body size compared to rats.




  2. Complete the following sentence: A ________ is smaller than a rat.

  答案: mouse

  解析: This question tests understanding of the relative sizes of rats and mice. The correct answer is "mouse," as it directly completes the comparison stated in the sentence.




  3. True or False: A rat is larger than a mouse.

  答案: False

  解析: This statement is false. Generally, mice are smaller than rats. Although sizes can vary, rats are typically larger in size compared to mice.




  4. Discuss the similarities and differences between rats and mice in terms of size.

  答案: Rats and mice belong to the rodent family but differ in size. Mice are generally smaller, with slender bodies and tails, whereas rats are larger, with heavier bodies and thicker tails. Both species exhibit variations in size based on factors like species and environment.

  解析: This question prompts an explanation of the distinctions in size between rats and mice. It evaluates knowledge of rodent characteristics and requires a detailed comparison of their physical attributes.




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