1. the word zaftig in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to .   a. fat

   1. 选择题

   Question 1

  The word "zaftig" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to:

  a. fat

  b. slender

  c. muscular

  d. petite

  Correct Answer: a. fat

  Explanation: The word "zaftig" typically refers to a person who is pleasantly plump or full-figured, which is closest in meaning to "fat."


   2. 填空题

   Question 2

  The ________ of the novel captivated readers from the first page to the last.

  Correct Answer: plot

  Explanation: The plot refers to the sequence of events in a story, which drives the narrative and engages the readers interest.


   3. 判断题

   Question 3

  True or False: In physics, the law of gravity states that what goes up must come down.

  Correct Answer: True

  Explanation: According to the law of gravity, objects that are thrown or propelled upwards will eventually fall back down to the ground due to the gravitational pull of the Earth.


   4. 论述题

   Question 4

  Discuss the impact of social media on modern society. Provide at least two positive and two negative effects.


  Social media has significantly impacted modern society in various ways. On the positive side, it has facilitated global connectivity, allowing people to easily communicate and share information across borders. Additionally, it has provided a platform for activism and social movements, enabling individuals to mobilize for causes they believe in. However, social media also has negative effects. It can contribute to increased feelings of isolation and anxiety, as people may compare themselves unfavorably to others based on curated online personas. Moreover, the spread of misinformation and fake news has become prevalent, posing challenges to informed public discourse.


  This structured approach to answering various types of questions ensures clarity and depth in content delivery while adhering to SEO standards for readability and user engagement. Each section is designed to provide both the question and a comprehensive answer with explanations where necessary, enhancing understanding and search engine visibility.



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