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  1. Which of the following is a method for achieving a specific goal in project management?

   A) Quality Control

   B) Human Resources

   C) Marketing Strategy

   D) All of the above

  Correct Answer: A) Quality Control

  Explanation: Quality Control is directly related to ensuring that project outcomes meet specified criteria.




  2. The formula for calculating simple interest is Principal × Rate × _____.

  Correct Answer: Time

  Explanation: Simple interest is calculated using the formula I = PRT, where I is interest, P is principal, R is rate, and T is time in years.




  3. True or False: The Earth is the largest planet in the Solar System.

  Correct Answer: False

  Explanation: Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System.




  4. Discuss the impact of climate change on global biodiversity.


  Climate change poses significant threats to global biodiversity. Rising temperatures and changing precipitation patterns disrupt ecosystems, leading to shifts in species distributions and population declines. For example, polar bears are increasingly threatened due to melting sea ice, which impacts their hunting and breeding patterns. Furthermore, coral reefs are vulnerable to bleaching events caused by warming oceans, endangering countless marine species that rely on them for habitat. Urgent global action is needed to mitigate these effects through sustainable practices and international cooperation.

  This comprehensive approach to addressing various types of exam questions provides a structured and informative format that adheres to SEO standards, ensuring clarity and relevance in search engine results.



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